Intro to Using R+ Webinar


Intro to Using R+ Webinar


This webinar will carry on from the foundation laid in our first behaviour webinar (available for purchase as well) and go over important things to consider prior to starting use of positive reinforcement, the first things to teach your horse as well as helping attendees start to learn how to develop shaping plans for training behaviours with R+ since it is much different that pressure and release.

We will also discuss LIMA principles and what this looks like for use of pressure & release as well as talking about why LIMA discourages use of negative reinforcement/pressure and release. The webinar will go over use of pressure and release as well and discuss ways to use it in as low stress of a way as possible and how to troubleshoot behaviours when you are not successful in getting a response without escalating the pressure to a highly stressful point for the horse.

This webinar will encompass the basics that are “must knows” in horse training and seeks to help equestrians learn how to problem solve issues with their horses and provide them with the tools to safely start working with their horses.

The webinar will be live at 6pm PST January 30th, 2023 or you can also watch the recording after the fact. The recording will be available to all who purchase tickets whether they attend live or not.

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