Lovely young unraced Thoroughbred gelding by Second In Command available for consideration. Registered with the Jockey Club as “Something Sinister”, Button is an extremely sweet 5y/o 15.1hh gelding who is far from sinister.
Button has excellent ground manners and is easy to have around. He’s friendly, easy to catch and quiet and not-spooky to handle. He is very brave to fences and showed some nice scope through the free jump chute. Button is broke w/t/c but is rusty due to just being brought back after almost a year off due to owner lack of time. He is green but highly trainable and willing and a very straightforward horse to handle.
Button is a cute mover and has correct form over fences that will only be further developed with jump training. He’s not been jumped under saddle yet so only shows his raw natural talent as a jumper that can be developed by a competent rider, he would be suited to a a junior or amateur rider with experience and would be an excellent mount for an ambitious pony clubber or an amateur who wants a fun show mount with the jump of a big horse while being on the small side.
Button has no vices and is ready to go in any direction. He has clean legs, no prior injuries and is unraced due to being too small so no potential wear and tear from the racetrack. He is currently wearing front shoes and is barefoot on the hinds.
ASKING $4000 CAD // $3500 USD.
Located in Langley, BC 🇨🇦 close to the US border. US Import is easy and only requires a coggins and a health certificate.
Email for all inquiry.
Under saddle video